What is Quiet Eye Training (QET)?
Quiet eye training helps non-experts adopt the five (5) QE characteristics of experts, leading to greater improvements
in motor performance than when only traditional training methods are used.
QE defined
Perception, Cognition and Decision: The Quiet Eye in Action (2007) by Joan N. Vickers (Updated Web Content).
This is still the definitive textbook on the quiet eye and quiet eye training.
Quiet Eye Solutions (QES) – FREE DOWNLOAD
QES is a software package that automatically computes the QE location, onset, offset and duration. It synchronizes
the gaze video collected with a mobile eye tracker, with an external video of the participant’s movements. An interface
overlays a common time line, permitting the synchronized coding of the phases of the movement and the participant’s gaze
(fixations, pursuit tracking, saccades)